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Modelling and sensitivity analysis

Models underlying our recommendations for the stocks covered on our websites are available on our searchable WWIP investment platform. Users can test the sensitivity of any given valuation to one or a number of assumptions by using the investment platform’s flex functionality. This User Guide describes our underlying methodology and standard assumptions.

Recommendation history

Click here to see our recommendation history.

Definition of recommendations

We use our modelling to identify a stock’s value versus a number of benchmarks. We make recommendations based on our interpretation of these data and other factors. We use the recommendation ‘buy’ for stocks where we are buyers. We use the recommendation ‘sell’ for stocks where we are sellers. A ‘no recommendation’ stock is one that is neither a buy nor a sell. Recommendations are directional, without a target price or target duration.

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This communication is from Willis Welby LLP (“Willis Welby”) which is a Limited Lability Partnership registered in England & Wales under number OC349305 with its registered office at 85 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7NQ.

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In the interest of brevity, where this email gives investment recommendations the full disclosures that accompany those recommendations including recommendation history, modelling and sensitivity analysis and definition of recommendations are available on our WWIP investment platform and our Willis Welby site.

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